
Hi everybody!

I’m Cathy, in my early 40s, but feeling and acting much younger than that.I’m single ,I love fashion,music, and, for as long as I remember, I’ve been dabbling with all kind of creative hobbies and crafts.

I can not deny that I was blessed with many good things: good health, a regular job, an understanding family. But, even the best of us, at some time , will have one or more demons to fight. My fatal flaws, my dark secrets are compulsive hoarding and addiction to virtual worlds video games.

If you met me for the first time, you would never guess. I give the impression of a well balanced sensible person.However, appearances can be deceiving, and, behind closed doors, my world is slowly crumbling,my life spiralling out of control.

Over the years, deadlines were missed,paperwork was lost, friendships were broken all as a result of an increasingly chaotic existence. My home has become a war zone where it is impossible to walk without knocking something over, and needless to say I can never invite anybody home, this reduces opportunities for socialising or even dating,in addition to that, I always fear being found out, which made me paranoid.

I read a lot on subject of compulsive hoarding,mostly helpful and interesting blogs, but somehow could never fully recognise myself in any of those, so I decided to create my own.

I hope sharing my experience will help me achieve a more harmonious life,and would be glad to befriend readers who found themselves in the same situation, so I could perhaps help others as well as helping myself.

Due to the fact that I work shifts and only have limited access to the internet while at my workplace,there might be times when  posts and update will be sparse and I might not always be able to answer comments as promptly as one would expect, I do apologise for the inconvenience.

Hope you’ll enjoy your reading.


Cathy. xxx

  1. MEN HEAL says:

    I used to hoard things. There was a time in my twenties when my bedroom was knee deep in junk I didn’t need. I had to be like Indiana Jones to get from one side of the room to the other!

    It took me fifteen years to get to the minimalist stage I’m at now.

    Good luck on your journey.

  2. Cathy says:

    Thanks for your encouragements Mike, this means a lot to know I am not alone!

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